Monday, April 16, 2012

Pictures from Beneficio/Spain Part 3 // Bilder aus Beneficio/Spanien Teil 3

Here's the final part of my pictures from Beni. There more pics from the actual community  ;) Hope you'll enjoy!

Hier ist der letzte Teil meiner Bilder aus Beni. Diesmal mit mehr Bildern von der eigentlichen Kommune ;) Hoffe, sie gefallen euch!

Shaggy and Luna

That's what happens every winter with all the rain and wind...

Old Beneficio


A centipede, their bites can be very hurtful.

My home for nine months :)
And my home from the other side.

Luna and Maurizio

"My" shower :)

A cob house almost finished.

The eucalyptos forrest.

The car park.

The pool filled with spring water.

On the top left in the backround you can see the biggest waterfall in Beni.

A dome in the backround.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

What do you want to be?

Well here's a post about veganism again. I know, I said just in my last post, that the topic of veganism will be moved to the new blog, but I don't want to talk here about recipes, and not even about animal rights or our health. I want to talk about the inevitability of a vegan world.

I just watched this video on youtube and came to a realization. This realization made me more confident about veganism and its future and it lifted a weight from me. I am now confident, that veganism IS the future. Probably not because a majority goes vegan because of a personal choice, because of the animals or their health. I think most people need a lot of time to make these connections and many may never. Veganism is the future because there is no alternative. People will be forced to go vegan, because the way we eat and live right now is not sustainable for very much longer. There will be a tremendous change in all areas because we are now speeding towards a wall. Either we hit it and destroy ourselves, or we manage to change the direction in time. And I think we will. I think we are not suicidal, we just have a slow reaction time, and we are probably also short sighted and just begin to see the wall. But we do want live. Like any species, we have deep inside us survival instincts. We, like all species, want our species to continue, and if we personally wouldn't make it, then at least our species had to.

We have to change, we will be forced to at some point. So, why not change now already? Why not go vegan now, because we want to, instead of being forced to do it later? We now can make a conscious choice out of it, we now can be pioneers. Later on we'll be just following the masses..

So, what do you want to be? A pioneer, or a follower?

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Pictures from Beneficio/Spain Part 2 // Bilder aus Beneficio/Spanien Teil 2

(Deutscher Text unten)

Haven't written anything for some time now, because I was working on some other ideas. Now I'm back with some news :) I decided to seperate the topics of this blog in two, maybe more, different blogs. In this blog I'm going to concentrate on alternatives way of living, travell journals, and articles about life in communes etc., and I'll be moving all the articles about veganism and raw foodism including the recipies to the new blog Vegan Deliciousness .
I hope that's helping with the clarity of the blogs and I wish you a lot of fun with the second part of the series "Pictures from Beneficio" :) I took the pictures of the second and soon to come third part during November 2010 and April 2011. In this second part there are mostly pictures of the nature there, in the third part you'll see more pics of the actual cummunity, the buildings there etc.

P.S.: By the way, it's going to be more bilingual on both blogs from now on, so that my English-speaking friends can also understand something ;)

Habe jetzt schon länger nichts mehr geschrieben, da ich an ein paar anderen Ideen gearbeitet habe. Jetzt melde ich mich mit Neugikeiten zurück :) Ich habe mich entschieden, die Themen, die bisher in diesem Blog vorkamen, auf zwei, vielleicht auch mehr, verschiedene Blogs aufzuteilen. In diesem Blog werde ich mich von nun an auf alternative Lebensweisen, Reiseberichte, Berichte über das Kommunenleben etc. konzentrieren und alles zum Thema Veganismus und Rohkost samt allen Rezepten wird in nächster Zeit zum neuen Blog Vegan Deliciousness umziehen.
Ich hoffe, dass dies die Übersichtlichkeit der Blogs erleichtert und wünsche Euch jetzt viel Spaß mit dem zweiten Teil der Bilderserie aus Beneficio :) Ich habe die Bilder des zweiten und bald nachfolgenden dritten Teils zwischen November 2010 und April 2011 aufgenommen. In diesem zweiten Teil sind hauptsächlich Bilder von der Natur dort, im dritten Teil werden dann mehr Bilder von der eigentlichen Kommune, den Behausungen dort etc. folgen.

P.S.: Es wird übrigens hier und auf dem anderen Blog in Zukunft auch zwei-sprachiger zugehen, damit meine Englischprachigen Freunde auch etwas verstehen ;)

Fruit salad with a view ;)

My cape goosberry plants getting big and with first fruits :)

Luna with her friend Shaggy

On the way out of Beni going to Orgiva.

On the way to Orgiva.

Fig tree in autumn.

Forbidden fruits..

Almost in Orgiva.

I heart cherimoyas :)

Luna's catching up on some reading.. ^^

Luna's painting a little bit for her mama ;D

Two rainbows over Beni :)

Luna with her friend Cookie

Spring is coming, the almond trees are blossoming..

Surprising snow fall..

A few hours later all the snow was gone already and the next day was sunny.

Spring's great :)

Olive trees full with loads of olives.

One of the first blossoming flowers.

Almonds are coming :)

My lettuce is gowing :)

Sweet fig leaves are grabbing for the sun.

Orgiva in spring.