Creative Outpours

(Deutsche Versionen immer unter den Englischen)

I would like to present my creative products in this category. I write poems and short stories, draw, do photography, dance with and without the hoop and I'm currently exercising myself in singing. Some of my written stuff is in English. So I hope you'll enjoy!
In dieser Rubrik möchte ich gerne meine kreativen Ergüsse vorstellen. Ich schreibe Gedichte und Kurzgeschichten, zeichne, fotografiere, tanze mit und ohne Hula Hoop Reifen und übe mich derzeit im Singen. Ich wünsche Euch viel Spaß damit!


The following short story is written in German - sorry guys ;)
Die Kurzgeschichte "Es gibt einen Grund dafür, dass wir nichts haben" ist hier zu finden.

I wrote this poem in my last weeks in Beneficio before I left for Berlin. I wanted to try to capture the experiences I made there.
Dieses Gedicht habe ich in meinen letzten Wochen in Beneficio geschrieben, bevor ich zurück nach Berlin gefahren bin. Ich wollte versuchen damit die Erfahrungen, die ich dort gemacht habe, festzuhalten.

This one place

I heard and smelled
I saw and felt
So many things
I never met before.

In this one year
In this one place, so dear
I found so many riches
Found beauty and joy.

As well as sorrow and pain
Pouring out of a drain
That lies burried
Deep within myself.

But here in this place
Under the beauty of natures grace
I began to find peace – and with that
I began to find myself.


One may ask oneself, who is that „you“ in the following poem... It is not the place Beneficio, that I can say. But what it is, I'll tell you after the poem ;)
Man mag sich wohl fragen, wer das „Du“ in nachfolgendem Gedicht ist.. Es ist nicht der Ort Beneficio, so viel kann ich sagen. Doch, wer oder was es ist, sage ich erst nach dem Gedicht ;)

You are...

You are my room, you are my home
You are my tent, my house, my dome
You are my secure base, my resting place
I can spread my wings in your infinite space

You are my dusks and dawns, my nights and days
I feel enlightened by the touch of your rays
You give me serenity, you give me peace and grace
I feel safe and loved under your face

Everyday I long for you, to hear your voice
And you give me mine, you give me choice
The choice to live my life the way I want
The choice to express our eternal bond

You are my protective layer
Everyday, you are my prayer
You are the wind underneath my wings
To me, you are so many good things

You are where I come from, you are my origin
You are where I go to, you are my religion
You are my ground, you are my path
You are my way, my way to love.

This poem addresses the divine and how I understand the divine, it addresses everything that is, the totality of everything that is. I wrote it in a phase, in which I reflected deeply about spirituality and I long now again for this time in my life..
Dieses Gedicht richtet sich an das Göttliche, und so wie ich das Göttliche verstehe, an alles, was ist, die Gesamtheit von Allem, was ist.. Ich habe es in einer Phase geschrieben, in der ich mich intensiv mit Spiritualität auseinander gesetzt habe und ich sehne mich nun wieder nach dieser Zeit in meinem Leben..

More stuff is following bit by bit when I feel comfortable with making it public ;)
Mehr Sachen folgen Stück für Stück sobald ich mich wohl damit fühle, sie zu veröffentlichen ;)

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